Motherā€™s Day

Mini Blossoms

Original Oil Paintings | Fine Art Prints

Mel Middleton is an artist and architect in Greenville, SC. She creates original oil paintings that have strong emotional ties to each of her subjects. Melā€™s floral still lifeā€™s celebrate the form by showcasing a single flower in a very simple vase. Her range of subjects include landscapes, cityscapes, and still life Florals.

Now available with The Scouted Studio

7 New Milk Bottle Tulips

Sense of Home Collection

A collection of landscape paintings that celebrate the unique characteristics of each community that we called home during our time as a military family. From Pensacola to Hawaii, California to South Carolina, every location held a special place in our hearts.


I am so glad you are here! Iā€™m Mel and Iā€™m an architect and oil painter located in Greenville, SC. I paint subjects that are inspired by my experiences and memories and seek to bring those moments to life on the canvas.

Scenes from the Studio